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Challenge No. 45 ~ Complementary Colors

March 1, 2011

Happy March 1st ~ hopefully, this day has arrived like a lamb wherever you live … and spring is right around the corner!  

Smiley from


Since we’ve covered COOL and WARM colors for the past two challenges, we thought it would be fun to combine the two this week and feature COMPLEMENTARY colors!    Complementary colors are found on the opposite sides of the color wheel.   



We know you’ll LOVE our sponsor this week!!   We’re happy to welcome the awesome online craft store, Crafts and Me  to our Copic Creations family!     If you are not familiar with this company, you really MUST take a peek at all the fabulous products and stamps carried at Crafts and Me, we promise you won’t be disappointed!



Crafts and Me  is a small family owned craft business ~ Mom, daughters and young granddaughters!   Their aim is to give you the best customer service possible, and to treat their customers just as they would like to be treated themselves.

They are also home to some exclusive, GORGEOUS digital images that can be found HERE.    You’ll see several of these beauties colored by the Copic Creations Design Team below.  (I don’t think I need to mention that you’ll be amazed at their wonderful creations!!)    The images were graciously supplied by Crafts and Me.

We’re also SUPER excited to announce that one VERY lucky participant this week will have the chance to win …

FOUR digi images of your choice from Crafts and Me!  

PLEASE NOTE: You are NOT required to use an image from our sponsor for your Copic Creations project. You will have until March 14th12:00 P.M., CST to post your artwork and be eligible for a chance to win this weeks prize; The winner will be announced along with our next challenge post on March 15th.

Once again, we were blown away again by all the amazing entries for our last challenge!   Thank you ALL for joining us. We’ve selected one of our favorites for this week’s “In the Spotlight” designer:

This awesome creation from Carolina Girl of  Creating in Carolina    . . .  


 Truly gorgeous coloring Carolina!!    I’ll be in touch with the code for our In The Spotlight blinkie.


And, now for our VERY lucky winner from Challenge No. 44, picked using

No. 7 New York Debbie of Coastal Creations

Congrats Debbie!  Please contact us with your email address for us to forward to Bugaboo Stamps.

VERY Special thanks to Bugaboo Stamps for sponsoring our challenge!!


Tutorials:   As we mentioned, our last two challenges have been WARM & COOL colors.  So, please refer to this link for information and tutorials on these two color types HERE.

We have added some additional sample color wheels showing our current WARM & COOL color combination challenge or COMPLEMENTARY COLORS:



Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.


*** We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the newest member of our Design Team ~ the amazingly talented Rose Crawford!   Rose is a Copic Certified artist who has been a participant for our challenges from the beginning.  I think you will enjoy seeing her creations here and if you pop over to her blog, In Rosie’s Book, you’ll always find lots of VERY helpful hints and tips for coloring with Copics!   You can also read all “about Rose” in our About Us  section of the blog. 

Welcome aboard Rose ~ we’re so glad you’re here!  






E00, E21, Y11, Y15, Y17, RV10, 0, V0000, V12, V15, V17, YG23, YG67 




Hidden Treasures

B00, B21,23,&27 : Y0000, 23, 61,68, E31,35  




 E000, E01, E21, E41, E13, E17, E18, E93, B000, B01, YR01, YR02, YR04, YR07, W1, W3




 BOO,02,05.16,18 YR01,04,07,18




Ladybug Love




V01, 04, 09; YG13,17, 21, 25; BV01, 02, 04, 08; Colorless Blender



Heart of Ice




YR61, 65, 68, 0, BG000, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, C1, 2, 3, 5



Forever Rose

E71, 74, 77, 79;  B91, 93, 95, 97



Ladybug Love

I used grayer versions of red & green (so it’s pinks and soft greens) YG25,YG01,YG000/R89,R85,R83,R81


We hope you will join us for this challenge and share YOUR creations with us. An Inlinkz form has been included below. Please don’t forget to stop back on March 15th for our next challenge and the announcement of the winner for this challenge.



13 Comments leave one →
  1. March 2, 2011 1:10 pm

    Love your challenges and all of your demos especially your newest dt member’s card – beautiful colour work! Her blogs super too!

  2. March 4, 2011 7:39 am

    Wowzers! The team is super-duper talented! Wow – just gorgeous!!!!!

    Deanne 🙂

  3. March 5, 2011 11:05 pm

    Wow! The shading on the DT creations is truly inspirational! Thank you for a great challenge!

  4. March 10, 2011 6:01 am

    This is a great challenge. I’m new to your blog and think it’s great that you are teaching us about the color wheel, etc. I hope to play again!

  5. March 10, 2011 5:35 pm

    Gorgeous cards from the DT! This was a great challenge!


  6. March 14, 2011 10:49 am

    Super fun, thank you!!! The samples are all gorgeous, too!

  7. March 26, 2011 2:35 am

    what are the complimenry colours plz

  8. March 26, 2011 2:36 am

    tell me plz

  9. March 26, 2011 2:36 am

    so tell me hija ejja ghidu


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